Operation Rescue is a children’s relief Organization in Brazil, Ethiopia and india, funded by donations.
Our goal is to take orphans, street children and extremely poor children from their vulnerable situation and to help them to achieve their maximum potential – academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
In Brazil, 300 children attend our childcare centers daily. They get a hot meal, they can attend tutorial and computer science classes and can enjoy leisure time practicing sports, or just playing and having fun. For those who want, there is the opportunity to participate in ballet, judo and music lessons.
In Ethiopia, we started in 2000 with a handful of children; we now have childcare centers in 3 Ethiopian cities. Besides almost 700 children whom we currently look after in 3 day centers, we are running a number of family homes for orphans, and projects for blind children and for needy mothers.
Our childcare center in India opened in August 2017 in the Indian city of Calcutta. The severe poverty of our 80 children, who live with their families on the streets, has moved us to change their lives sustainably.